Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy Honeydew #5

The shutter clicked.

"I don't know why you invited me here," Amy heard from a voice on her right, "You know I hate sunrises."

Amy lowered her camera and turned her head to look at her girlfriend.

"Because I keep hoping that you'll change your mind," she said as she reached in to grab Elizabeth's hand and give her a soft peck on the lips.

They sat on the park bench together in silence for two minutes.

Elizabeth stared at the buildings piercing the sky instead of the sunrise lost in a maze of branches.

"I have to cancel for Sunday," Amy said, "I forgot I have plans."

Elizabeth stood up.

"Do you know why I hate sunrises?"

"Elizabeth," Amy whispered quickly.

"I hate sunrises because there's no magic in them," Elizabeth began as she turned around to face Amy, "You sit there for half an hour, maybe more, while light blinds you. There's no moment where the sun conquers the horizon. There's no moment that you can pinpoint and say 'That was it. That was the sunrise.'"

Amy stood up and tried to grab her hand again, but Elizabeth stepped away.

"And after half an hour, maybe more," Elizabeth continued as she pushed her blonde hair behind her left ear, "all you've really done is just waste your time."

Elizabeth turned around and began walking toward the skyscrapers.

Amy sat back down and let her brunette hair drape her face.


That night Amy's husband asked her why she had a picture of a sunrise in the city park on her bedside table, but instead of responding Amy rolled over to face the table and closed her eyes.


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